Hillcroft Conservation Grazing

Cattle-dog data sheet

Name: Tig


Description: Tig is junior dog, but is very keen to learn, listens well and is already bold with the cattle. He's a Kelpie cross – though he actually looks and acts pretty much pure Kelpie, though perhaps larger than usual. Kelpies are a breed of collie-type herding dogs from Australia, bred for sheep and cattle herding – as were the traditional Scottish and English collies they were derived from. They are normally black-and-tan like Tig or red-and-tan, but unlike most other collie breeds they rarely have much white (Tig just has white tips to some toes, and a white star on his chest). He is named Tig after Tigger, friend of Pooh – he's similarly in need of debouncing, and though his pattern is different the colours are the same...

Born: 2007

Breed: Kelpie cross

Type: Dog

For information on Kelpies see:

Kelpie info

Kelpie history.

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Page created with Wordperfect 8 and Notepad. Last updated: 9 September 2007. Please send comments to: comment@collingridge.net.