Hillcroft Conservation Grazing
Cattle data sheet
Name: Woodbastwick Delilah
Description: Delilah was one of the two cows who founded our herd in 1999. Black points, pink skin and no spots. Can be recognised by her rather droopy ears and large pink udder. Rather nervous of people. As a calf she had a broken leg, which was successfully splinted with a piece of plastic water pipe. In 2000, she fostered an orphan calf as well as her own, providing good milk for both while eating only heather and scrub. She had a calf (Landford Carol) at a very young age before we got her, and descendants of that heifer later joined the herd themselves. Overall we have had well over a dozen of Delilah's descendants in the herd so far.
Ear tag number: 00130
Born: 1996
Breed: British White
Type: Cow
Offspring: Landford Carol, Deli, Dawn, (Daylight), (Daybreak), Dew, Dabble. See also her grand-daughters Poppy and Lillie, her great-grand-calves Leaf, (Poppy 2) and Peregrine, and her great great grand-calves Limelight and Peperoni.
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Page created with Wordperfect 8 and Notepad. Last updated: 17 April 2007. Please send comments to: comment@collingridge.net.