Collingridge Ecological Consultants

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Richard CollingridgeProfileBackgroundExperience

Experience and skills

Ecological survey and monitoring

Vegetation survey to Phase 1 (standard UK habitat mapping scheme) and NVC (National Vegetation Classification - detailed UK habitat classification broadly equivalent to the European CORINE scheme). Breeding and wintering bird survey. Assessment of land for statutory designations (LNR, SSSI, SPA, SAC, Ramsar Site etc). Survey project management (Kent Phase 1 vegetation survey, south-east England otter survey etc). Conservation monitoring schemes.

Land management and planning

Traditional land management, especially grassland, heathland and woodland. Practical countryside skills (fencing, hedging, stock and woodland management etc). Restoration and management schemes. Assessment of management proposals.

Development planning

Experience of UK development planning system - control of building, land use, roads etc. Assessment of Structure and Local Plans for nature conservation impacts. Public Inquiries. Assessment and negotiation of development proposals including formal Environmental Assessment and appropriate assessment under the Habitats Regulations. Protected species cases.

Teaching, writing and interpretation

Lecturing on ecology, nature conservation and general environmental issues. Displays, leaflets, trails. Presentations. Guided walks (fungi, bird song etc). Magazine articles on science and environment. Photography and illustration.

Information Technology

PC and local network management. Wordprocessor, spreadsheet, database and GIS use and troubleshooting. Application development.

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